“Improved quality of life for family, friends and patients in general is a driving force for many employees of the orthopedic industry,” states Tammy Allen, Director of Marketing, OrthoWorx.
National Arthritis Awareness Month is May, and the Arthritis Foundation encourages all residents of our area to take action.
The Arthritis Foundation is launching a multi-faceted campaign and encourages you to become an active part of that to learn more and to help educate others. Become a part of the conversation.
• Faces of Arthritis online gallery—show you care about arthritis by uploading your photo and telling your story in a 140 character message.
• WEDNESDAY WEBINARS—learn more about arthritis every Wednesday in May, 12-1:00 p.m. The Arthritis Foundation Heartland Region will feature a topic about arthritis (diet, exercise, pain, etc.) Contact jmckay@arthritis.org to request webinar information.
• Tweet – use #ArthritisMonth hash tag throughout May when continuing the conversation on Twitter—help raise awareness and learn more from others about their experiences with arthritis.
Also, get moving! Join your local Arthritis Walk scheduled throughout May and early June. Marcy Hawkins, Director of Special Events for the Arthritis Foundation, Northern Indiana Office, states, “Your participation in the Arthritis Walk is a wonderful way to show your support and let others know that ignoring arthritis is simply unacceptable. Registration is free, but your personal donation and fundraising efforts move forward the Arthritis Foundation’s mission of improving lives through leadership in the prevention, control and cure of arthritis and related diseases. More specifically, money raised funds critical arthritis research, education, programs and support for the 50 million adults and 300,000 children with arthritis in the U.S.”
Education is key to managing arthritis. Learn more through Arthritis Today—The Arthritis Foundation’s source for better living website.