Dr. Barnett-Johnson is a native of Fort Wayne, Indiana. She earned a Bachelor’s degree from Taylor University, Upland, Indiana, in Accounting/Systems, a Master’s degree from Indiana University – Fort Wayne in Liberal Arts, and a Ph.D. in Higher Education Administration from Indiana State University, Terre Haute, Indiana. Her research topic focused on African American Women in Higher Education, concentrating specifically on the search and selection process for administrative positions, and its challenges for African American women. In August of 2010, she published an article in Women in Higher Education entitled, “Moving Heaven and Earth: African American Women and the Administrative Search and Selection Process.” She has been higher education professional for almost 30 years, serving in numerous roles such as admissions counselor, diversity coordination, Director of Financial Aid, instructor, Dean, and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. She is currently the Chancellor for Ivy Tech Community College’s Fort Wayne service area. Dr. Barnett-Johnson is a trained conflict mediator, as well as a volunteer Board member for various community organizations. In addition to these community activities, she is an active church member and choral director. Her hobbies include cooking, reading and listening to music. Her greatest gift of giving has been as a foster patent for more than ten years. During these ten years, Kim and her late husband welcomed approximately 16 children into their home for extended periods, ages ranging from 23 days to 16 years old.