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Warsaw Community Schools Progressing Toward Student-Focused Strategic Plan

e-Newsletter Articles

OrthoWorx Indiana Posted by: OrthoWorx Indiana 14 years ago

September 2011: OrthoWorx e-Newsletter

studentsEducation is a cornerstone of lifelong learning. It is the basis for obtaining knowledge and skills remaining with you throughout your life. Continuous learning is a philosophy embraced by Craig Hintz, Ed.D., Superintendent, Warsaw Community Schools (WCS). For the past two years, he has been learning about the school system, staff, students and the community.

Now beginning his third year with WCS, Hintz has provided leadership continuity the school system has not experienced for the prior five years with rapid leadership turnover. Hintz is leading WCS with laser focus on developing a strategic plan, which is student focused and will elevate the school system and what it offers.

Hintz states, “The strategic planning process was informed, in part, by an OrthoWorx-commissioned study of the Warsaw area schools. The study, conducted by Cambridge Education, LLC, indicated our schools are well managed and solid, however, need strategic vision, focused on future improvements.” Hintz considers the recommendations opportunities to move WCS toward a better future.

The strategic plan is being developed for consideration by the WCS Board of School Trustees and aligned to the 2012 budget. The strategic planning team (formed within the past year) is comprised of WCS staff and administration, students, parents and community participants. “This holistic approach best reflects the hopes and dreams of our community and secures commitment from the residents for the future success of our school corporation,” states Hintz. The Board is expected to take action on the plan in February 2012.

The strategic planning team includes three groups with clearly defined functions.

  • Core Planning Team—contribute to creation of long-term vision and plan—OrthoWorx is represented on this team.
  • Action Planning Team—create specific steps to accomplish strategic plan.
  • Measurement Team—develop tools to monitor and assess annual progress.

“Our mission is to inspire and equip all students to continuously acquire and apply knowledge and skills while pursuing their dreams and enriching the lives of others,” states Hintz. “What better way to achieve this than to implement a strategic plan focusing on the students?” concludes Hintz.