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OrthoWorx Team Update

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OrthoWorx Indiana Posted by: OrthoWorx Indiana 13 years ago

Tammy Allen, Director of Marketing, OrthoWorx

Tammy Allen was recently promoted to Director of Marketing, OrthoWorx. “Tammy is a real asset to OrthoWorx, certainly because of her expertise and contributions, but also significantly because of her very-evident commitment to the mission of OrthoWorx,” stated Brad Bishop, Executive Director, OrthoWorx.

As the Director of Marketing, Tammy will expand the OrthoWorx Branding Initiative, and also continue her leadership roles of the OrthoWorx Diversity Council, The Remnant Trust Community Advisory Committee and The Advanced Manufacturing Committee. She will also continue her contributions to additional OrthoWorx initiatives as needed. Gennie Brissette-Tipton, Communications Specialist, reports to Tammy, as will an intern to be added to support various communications initiatives.

Tammy serves in various leadership roles in the community and region, including Director-at-Large, Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association (HBA) Indiana – Warsaw Region; Kosciusko County Visitors Bureau (CVB) Board of Directors and marketing committee member for Kosciusko County CVB; and Heartline Pregnancy Center Inc. She has also served as President for the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) Fort Wayne Chapter and IABC District 7 Delegate.

Tammy is a graduate of Ball State University and an alumna of the Kosciusko Leadership Academy (KLA).