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OrthoWorx Member Spotlight – Kosciusko County Community Foundation: Community Fund Highlight

e-Newsletter Articles

OrthoWorx Indiana Posted by: OrthoWorx Indiana 11 years ago

Article provided by the Kosciusko County Community Foundation


A grant from the Community Fund to Lakeland Art Association supported the Walk N Wander display of bronze sculptures in downtown Warsaw.


In the last fiscal year, it has helped bring STEM education to Kosciusko County classrooms, purchase helmets and safety gear for a youth football program, remove invasive plants from area lakes, provide free counseling and mental health services to low-income children and families, purchase equipment for high school students to learn a career trade, and provide wigs and nutritional supplements to area cancer patients.

What is it? It’s the Community Fund at the Kosciusko County Community Foundation. The Community Fund is our most flexible grant-making fund, allowing us to respond to our community’s changing needs. Typically, grants from the Community Fund are made in response to applications from area nonprofits. The nonprofit lets us know what they need to serve the hungry, the sick, youth, the elderly…and we are able to respond to those needs through the Community Fund. Over $264,000 in grants from the Community Fund were made last fiscal year to meet needs right here at home in Kosciusko County.

In the coming weeks, we will have exciting news to share about an opportunity to significantly increase the grant making from the Community Fund. Stay tuned to to learn more about our soon to be released “Bring it Home” initiative aimed at helping us make a bigger difference with the Community Fund.