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OrthoWorx Member Spotlight: Biomet Friends in Need—Operation Walk USA

e-Newsletter Articles

OrthoWorx Indiana Posted by: OrthoWorx Indiana 13 years ago

Improved quality of life through generosity—Friends in Need Program recipients, photo courtesy A Biomet Friends in Need Initiative and Operation Walk USA 2011

Guest Author: Stacey Jones, Biomet Orthopedics

In fiscal year 2012, Biomet donated implants for a monk, a nun and numerous children. Biomet stands on its nineteenth year of working with the Friends in Need Program to provide implants for individuals in need of orthopedic surgery. The program allows surgeons to request implant donations to help indigent patients.

Biomet’s support this past fiscal year translated to 90 cases or patients, providing Orthopedic Salvage System and Compress implants for children, a new knee for a nun, a new knee for a monk and numerous implants for individuals who were unable to work due to injury or chronic pain.

“This year we also donated a shoulder for an athlete who would have lost his college sports scholarship without the surgery and implant,” Biomet Team Member and Compliance Auditor Danielle Rich said. “His family did not have insurance or the money to pay for the surgery—or college—which is why the implant was needed.”

For a case to be eligible for the program, the hospital, surgeon, anesthesiologist and Biomet’s local distributors first agree to donate their time and services for the specified case. Documents must be signed by the distributor and sales representative verifying that the patient will not be charged for the surgery or services provided with the surgery.

Rich manages the Friends in Need Program for Orthopedic, Sports, Extremities and Trauma (SET) and International. The sales office or local distributor is notified once approvals are completed. Then, the patient is scheduled for surgery.

Every day, Biomet team members help one surgeon provide care to one patient, over a million times a year throughout the world.