OrthoWorx Center of Excellence at Grace College to Launch New Quality In Medical Devices Management Program
OrthoWorx News
Posted by: OrthoWorx Indiana
11 years ago
WARSAW, IND., September 9, 2013 –
OrthoWorx has entered into an agreement with Grace College to launch a new Quality in Medical Devices Management Program, developed through a unique educational collaboration among industry, OrthoWorx and Grace College, to fill a critical talent gap necessary to accommodate industry growth and increasingly complex quality requirements. The program is a continuation of OrthoWorx’s work in the area of education and workforce development and represents another step in its efforts to better link the resources of Indiana’s higher education community to the needs of the orthopedic industry.
“We need to continue to ensure a talented workforce for the continued and long-term success of our region,” stated OrthoWorx Chief Executive Officer Sheryl Conley. “The demand for orthopedic employees with advanced quality management skills has never been greater. The quality process impacts every aspect of the orthopedic industry. We believe this program will also strengthen our region by providing opportunities for residents to gain new educational credentials and advance their careers in the medical device industry.”
OrthoWorx commissioned a research study to identify gaps that exist between the career development needs and educational needs of the regional orthopedic industry specific to quality management. The research is being used to develop the new program.
“At Grace College we are excited to continue our partnership with OrthoWorx and build on the success of The OrthoWorx Center of Excellence at Grace College to proactively meet workforce needs in our region. Similar to the Orthopaedic Regulatory & Clinical Affairs (ORCA) Graduate Program, now in its third cohort, this new program will also be developed in conjunction with the medical devices industry and taught by industry experts,” said Grace College President William Katip.
Registration for the new program will begin in October 2013, and classes will begin in January 2014. Three different levels of attainment will be available depending on the needs of the student—a Certificate, a Bachelor’s Degree and a Master’s Degree.
“Education and workforce development initiatives like those being pursued by OrthoWorx demonstrate long-term vision for our community. The recently announced matching funds opportunity from Lilly Endowment Inc. for OrthoWorx is a unique opportunity for the community to be involved in a meaningful way. Every eligible dollar up to $3.5 million raised before October 15 will be matched by the Endowment, enabling the expansion of programs that leverage our region’s strengths, such as the OrthoWorx Center of Excellence at Grace College,” stated Katip.
Individuals or companies interested in financially supporting OrthoWorx initiatives in the region can contact OrthoWorx directly or make a contribution electronically at the following web link. http://www.kcfoundation.org/orthoworxmatch/
About OrthoWorx
Formed in 2009 with initial funding from the Lilly Endowment, OrthoWorx (www.orthoworxindiana.com) is a community-based initiative that works strategically and collaboratively with the orthopedic industry and other stakeholders to ensure that the Warsaw region continues to reap the social and economic benefits that derive from its position as The Orthopedic Capital of the World.®
About the Lilly Endowment Match Opportunity
The Endowment’s matching opportunity is for cash donations or binding pledges from qualified orthopedic-related donors received by October 15, 2013. Pledges can be multi-year, and gifts will be matched, dollar-for-dollar, up to $3.5 million. Qualifying matching funds must consist of irrevocable contributions of cash or equivalents (e.g. publicly traded stocks or bonds) and legally enforceable pledges to make irrevocable contributions of cash or cash equivalents on or before June 30, 2016. Contributions of cash equivalents will be matched on the basis of their gift value as determined by applicable United States Department of Treasury regulations.
About Grace College
Grace College is an evangelical Christian liberal arts college. Its academic, residential, athletic, and social aspects are designed to encourage intellectual and spiritual growth in a supportive campus community. The 165-acre campus is located in the historic resort town of Winona Lake, near Warsaw, Ind. It has historically been among the top schools if it size and listed in the U.S. News & World Report as one of America’s Best Colleges. The Princeton Review has regularly awarded it the title of a “Best Midwestern College.”
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