OrthoWorx Announces Formation of University | Industry Advisory Board
Posted by: OrthoWorx Indiana
11 years ago
WARSAW, Ind., March 20, 2014 –
OrthoWorx announced today that it has formed a University | Industry Advisory Board to better connect the technology and talent needs of Indiana’s orthopedic medical device industry with the assets and capabilities represented by Indiana’s higher education institutions.
“We believe this is the right time and the right group of partners to address critical economic and educational challenges facing the State of Indiana,” said Sheryl Conley, President and CEO of OrthoWorx. “Indiana is known for its great universities and, in fact, it produces more graduates than the state is currently able to employ. The orthopedic device industry has many needs that can be met by resources within our state, but a great number of its relationships with academia have evolved over time with out-of-state institutions—we intend to address that missed connection for the benefit of students, employers and the State’s economy overall.”
Colleges and universities that are currently committed to joining OrthoWorx as part of the University | Industry Advisory Board include the following: Indiana University; University of Notre Dame; Ivy Tech Community College; Manchester University; and Trine University. Discussions regarding membership are still underway with Ball State University, IPFW and Purdue University. Grace College, a founding member and frequent collaborator of OrthoWorx, also will be a member of this new Advisory Board.
The Indiana medical device industry is the largest component of the overall life sciences economy in Indiana. OrthoWorx was formed in 2009 to improve the environment for success for an industry cluster based in Warsaw, Indiana that accounts for approximately 13,000 direct and indirect jobs, and contributes more than $3 billion in value annually to the Indiana economy.
“The Indiana colleges and universities that have joined us as members are now part of a formal effort to generate relevant experiences for students, jobs for graduates, research opportunities for faculty members and the possibility of developing and commercializing intellectual property,” said Conley. “Our industry members have committed to devoting significant internal resources to collaborating with academia in a number of areas judged to be of highest potential for the greatest outcomes. Our university partners will be able to establish or strengthen relationships with enterprises that are leading the world in the design, development, manufacturing, marketing and distribution of devices and therapies that improve the lives of millions of patients.”
A study released in 2013, commissioned by the Central Indiana Corporate Partnership (CICP) and conducted by the Battelle Technology Partnership Practice, found that Indiana does not produce enough high-skilled job opportunities for the number of students who graduate from four-year colleges. As a result, the study concluded that the lack of job opportunities for these graduates “leads to their migration, and ultimately to the state’s low adult educational attainment ranking relative to the nation, despite a strong higher education pipeline.”
According to Conley, stronger connections between the orthopedic medical device industry and Indiana’s higher education institutions can help address that gap. “Many companies would like a stronger recruiting presence at Indiana schools and many Indiana schools desire to create more experiential learning experiences for students, as well as to place more graduates in our industry,” Conley said. “What has been lacking is an appreciation on both sides of the strengths and capabilities of each other. We think that should change and we are grateful to those universities who have committed their time and resources to joining us in this important collaboration.”
“OrthoWorx was created in 2009 to pursue initiatives in several areas, including areas of opportunity such as the relationship between the orthopedic industry and the State’s higher education institutions. By acting as a convener in areas of mutual, non-competitive interest among orthopedic industry members,” Conley said. “OrthoWorx is in a position to accelerate progress and facilitate collaborations that may not have happened or would have been less comprehensive and slower paced.”
Conley said OrthoWorx plans to engage with additional universities in Indiana regarding participation in the Advisory Board and that the ultimate roster of institutions may grow, enabling an even broader range of collaborations.
About OrthoWorx
Formed in 2009 with initial funding from the Lilly Endowment for the Orthopedics Capital Foundation, the OrthoWorx (www.orthoworxindiana.com) initiatives feature community-based strategic collaborations with the orthopedic industry and other stakeholders to ensure that the Warsaw region continues to reap the social and economic benefits that derive from its position as The Orthopedic Capital of the World.®
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