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Orthopedics Add Value to Lives

e-Newsletter Articles

OrthoWorx Indiana Posted by: OrthoWorx Indiana 14 years ago

August 2011: OrthoWorx eNewsletter

Positive patient results show the human and more personal value of orthopedics. “For nearly one in two Americans over the age of 18, and for many children, movement is restricted by a musculoskeletal disorder—arthritis, back pain, fracture, osteoporosis, or sports trauma.” (Bone and Joint Initiative USA). Orthopedic surgeries restore many individuals to pain-free daily living and mobility.

“Hip and knee replacements have been performed in millions of Americans over the last four decades. These procedures have improved patients’ quality of life by easing pain, improving range of motion, and increasing activity levels,” according to American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) data. This represents hips and knees alone and does not account for other joints, like shoulders, elbows and ankles.

With this volume of orthopedic surgical procedures in the U.S., you likely know someone whose life has been improved through these treatments. The OrthoWorx April 2011 E-newsletter Poll shows over half of the respondents have had someone in their immediate family (self, spouse, child, parent, sibling) who had joint replacement surgery.

A unique example of this is seen in an article published last month in the Times-Union, Warsaw, Ind. The article titled In Family of Five, Hip Replacements Common told of how a mother, father, plus three of their grown children have all experienced hip replacement surgery. Statements of family members as included in the Times-Union article, July 6, 2011, include:

“From Betty’s home near Tippecanoe Lake Tuesday morning, they said the difference before and after the surgery was night and day.” (Betty Landis, mother)

“Having my hip done was the best thing I ever did,” said Gary Bennett (son of Betty Landis)

These patient success stories bring it full circle for those who work in the medical device industry. There is a sense of satisfaction that comes from positively contributing, at least in some small way, to help improve someone’s life.

All three members of the OrthoWorx team have worked in the medical device industry. An underlying current flowing through the culture of the orthopedic manufacturing companies implies, “What if this implant was going to be implanted into someone you love, be it your parent, spouse or friend? Treat each implant with care, throughout the process.” This contributes to the intangible reward of being part of something bigger than you. It emphasizes the value of orthopedics.