Have you heard this expression: Orthopedic Legacy. Vibrant Community. A Perfect Match?
We’ve been using that theme to help communicate the opportunity we’ve been given to bring $3.5 million in funding from the Lilly Endowment Inc. into our region. Perhaps you’ve received a letter or personal contact from us, or have seen our billboards or newspaper ads, emphasizing the connection between the orthopedic industry cluster and the vitality of our region.
If you haven’t heard those words, here’s the story: The Endowment recently granted us $4 million through the Orthopedics Capital Foundation to continue our work and provided an opportunity to receive another $3.5 million—if orthopedic companies, their suppliers and those directly affected by the industry would come to the table and show their support for the region. In other words, we need those funds to create the perfect match.
Our member organizations believe our various charitable initiatives are important to the success of our region and have already demonstrated their dedication and support by making a combined $1.2 million philanthropic commitment. In the past few weeks, we’ve been hard at work reaching out to others—supplier companies, individuals and foundations who have benefited from the presence of the orthopedic industry cluster and who would be eligible to have their tax-deductible donations matched by the Lilly Endowment.
Since 2009, we have been working hard to assure that the factors our region needs—a skilled workforce, a quality of living that is inviting to new recruits, an environment of innovation and entrepreneurship—can be found here so companies can continue to grow and thrive here.
Today, approximately 6,800 employees work directly for an orthopedic company or supplier. Almost as many are employed by companies that owe a share of their business to the economic activity generated by the companies and their employees.
The Endowment’s matching opportunity is for cash donations or binding pledges received by October 15, 2013, less than a month from now (although pledges can be multi-year as long as they are fulfilled before June of 2016).
To learn more about what OrthoWorx has done for the community, please click here. We also have an individual pledge form and an organizational pledge form indicating how you can contribute. You can also donate online through the following link: https://kcfoundation.org/orthoworxmatch/.
I encourage you to review the information about OrthoWorx and consider helping preserve our orthopedic legacy through a vibrant community—that’s the perfect match.